So far, it's been a busy 2019 for our church family and community. Many wonderful events have occurred: birthdays, anniversaries, outings, championships. All make us very happy and proud and thankful.
This year our church family and community have experienced lows and sadness in the form of deaths, unemployment, ailments, sickness,and life altering catastrophes. Those events have the result of making us sigh and cry and even at times ask the Lord, "What's going on?"
Our God is the only true and living God, and He fills the heavens and earth with His will. So, as the year continues, bask in the will of the true and living God. Take comfort in His decisions that are the best for our lives, even those decisions that bring us sorrows. He has promised never to leave us or forsake us. He bottles up our tears. He comforts us in our times of sorrows. He encourages us to go on because Greater is He that is In Me than He that is in the World. We will be victorious because His grace is sufficient! Glory to His Name!
This is the year of Stretching Out!
In Christ's love,
Pastor Mack
