The song simply says:
"May your struggles keep you near the Cross
May your troubles show that you need God
May your battles end the way they should
May your bad days prove that God is Good
May your whole life prove that Go is Good"
One of the most powerful Christian songs of modern times in my estimation. We've grown accustomed to quick, fast and in a hurry. We forget that the Savior agonized in the Garden of Gethsamene, which means "press." We should always remember what it cost the Savior to give us this great salvation and what He endured to secure it for us.
So the next time we want a "microwave" solution to our problems remember that God decreed before the foundation of the world that our battles will end the way the should! Be strong in the Lord, dear saints, and in the power of His might! May our whole lives prove that God is good.
Love you all
