Happy New Year to you. I pray that 2024 will be a Prosperous, Joyful and Blessed Year for you and your family. Here are a few “nuggets of wisdom” that I want share with you for 2024:

1. Spend time with God through reading His Word and in prayer. Mrs. Ruby Dale (co-worker’s grandmother) quoted: If your bible is a mess; your life won’t be.
2. Make church attendance apart of your life in 2024.
3. Use the gifts and talents that God has given you to be a blessing to your life, the Kingdom of God, and the lives of others.
4. Set new reachable goals in your life. Everyone has room for self- improvement.
5. Do your best to save more money in 2024. My late grandmother, Catherine Graham, had a quote, “If you save money today, money will save you tomorrow.”
6. Do your best to live your best earthly life , you only get one life here on earth learn how to live it with few regrets.
7. Work on your inner strengths because you will need them when your physical body gets tired.
8. Do your best to get along with people; knowing some you will have to feed with a long handle spoon.
9. Find time for yourself in 2024, learn to enjoy life. Simple things have great rewards.
10. Do your best not to end the year with a lot of regrets; take chances.
11. Know that you can make a big difference in someone’s life in 2024.
